Shannon Speaks: The 518 Movement – A Community’s Reaction to a Tragedy

“It started with the tweet, #TebowCallMatt….in less than two hours, people all across the country were tweeting it. The hashtag reached the 3rd most tweeted topic in the world.

via Shannon Speaks: The 518 Movement – A Community’s Reaction to a Tragedy.


This story is truly empowering. One of my best friends at Cornell went to Shenendehowa High School and knew of the victims of this tragedy. As Shannon said, our generation used social media to unite and rally for a cause. May the victims rest in peace and may those who have heard of the tragedy never stop tweeting, and never forget the horrors of drinking and driving.

I pledged to never drink and drive. The question is, have you?

Thoughts on “The Third Screen – What is it and how to use to your marketing advantage?”

Clever terminology for the cell phone, and appropriately so. In fact, I read this on my iPhone’s wordpress app and am now replying from my 3rd screen as well on the drive up to school!

Make sure to turn on any mobile optimization options your website may have because you’d be surprised by how many users stem from the smart phone world! (For Laffey Fine Homes I believe 35% of hits last week were from mobile devices)

Great read!

Bennett About Marketing

Its original name was “the cell phone”.  Today it’s referred to as “the third screen” and its changing the delivery of marketing and sales messages and that is great news for us marketers.

That “third screen” (#1 is your TV screen and #2 is your computer screen) will reach your consumer anytime and anywhere and it’s in the briefcases and pockets of your customers right now.

I recently attended the largest and most prestigious book industry event in the country, BookExpo America and new this year was a partner trade show called BlogWorld.  If ever two worlds were colliding it is print and online – in this case they were embracing the differences and coming up with 1 + 1 = 3.

Thousands of authors, publishers and publicists mingled with bloggers (are you aware there are more than 75 million blogging sites?), podcasters, social media, new media and…

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“No Comment”-Never!

Why No Comment is The Worst Thing To Say.

I have “no comment” in response to this blog. Haha, just kidding! Excellent point. I always have been a firm believer of honesty in the industry-in all regards of life, actually.

Maybe your company is in the midst of a PR nightmare (BP, anyone?) but even so, saying “No Comment” is a lot like saying “You’re right, XYZ Media. We just don’t care enough to tell you our thoughts on the matter.” Well, in fewer words.

Bottom Line: Say something! You’ll look a whole lot more credible, even owning up to mistakes, than by ignoring the press flat out.

Instagram #3: The Power of Hashtags

Was actually going to post a similar blog about this myself, but stumbled upon yours. It’s so true. In the first 8 hours of creating an Instagram for Laffey Fine Homes we received over 160 likes! I posted 1 picture without any hashtags to see the difference and only 1 person liked it. #HashtagOn!

Empire Avenue Tips

Tagging my Instagram photos has doubled my likes & increased followers. Here are 10 tips for using hashtags on IG. Discuss & share your tips!

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