Hosting a Launch Party

It’s been a very busy week at Collective Media Group! Tomorrow night, July 26th, we’re hosting our launch party at WIP (Work in Progress), a nightclub in the South Village. The event will be a co-launch party for Collective  and Courtesan Studio, a Swavarski Element encrusted jeweler that also happens to be one of our clients.

The flier for our Launch Party this Thursday!

While free to attend, our launch party encourages donations to The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The MS Society is held closely in our hearts, as a member of the Collective team was diagnosed with MS just one year ago. In preparation of the event and it’s impact on MS, we have launched a trending topic for tomorrow’s guests. Be on the lookout for all Tweets with the hashtag: #Launch4MS 


As for my role in all of this, not only will all the interns be there 2.5 hours early to help set up and ensure things run smoothly, but I’ll also be standing outside of WIP greeting guests with one of the other interns and managing the guest list. I guess you could call me a bouncer for the night, though I hope I won’t look as tough. I’m really excited for the role! Over 300 people are expected to attend & I’ll get to see every single one of them as they enter our event…including BRAVO’s own Lori Zaslow. She is a both a good friend of my bosses and a client of ours. We help promote her new show Love Broker– which aired last night at 10 pm on Bravo! Love Broker is about looking for love in New York City with Lori’s help. She’s been a professional matchmaker for over 12 years!

The advertisement for one of our clients, Lori Zaslow, and her new show LoveBroker (airs Tuesdays at 10 pm/9 pm Central on Bravo TV)

But getting back on topic..I’ve noticed two things above all when it comes to event planning.

The First: It’s a lot of work! We need to find donors who will help offset the cost of the venue, in addition to finding food donations, a licensed liquor vendor, a DJ, dessert donors and graphic designers. Someone has to make an event flyer, Facebook page, guest list (which needs to be updated multiple times a day), and a lot more! We need to hire a printing company (luckily we know a good one) to print out fliers on high resolution paper and create the event’s Step-And-Repeat Wall that’ll be featured in all the professional photography, and oh yeah, we need to hire a photographer! With the entire Collective Media team on board with helping for the event (we even have an intern who’s “Designated Tweeter/Instagrammer/Mobile Upload-er to Facebook” for the night…#Launch4MS!) we have accomplished a lot of the above in such a short amount of time.

The Second: It all comes together as long as you really work hard. Cheesy? A little. But true? Absolutely! My bosses had originally planned on the event being later in the year (thank goodness it was pushed forward so the interns can go!) but with a sudden turn of events (including our partnership with Courtesan)  the party was planned in less than two weeks! 

Here’s a link to the Facebook Event!

Can’t wait to post again with pictures & a rundown of how the event went!

Until Nexttime,


Building Clientele and a Following

In terms of Social Media, it’s great to have posts on Facebook and Twitter that are simply fun and informative, without the ulterior motive of selling your product to a fan or follower. For Laffey Fine Homes I often put links to great restaurants on Long Island, fun things to do for the weekend (whether it be a concert or a place to bring the kids) and unique elements of the home like this one waterfall shower I found. I think my favorite topic of all is Fantasy Fridays, a theme I came up with, where I post gorgeous images of assorted travel destinations around the world.

But while all this is great and will start building up a stream of followers, sometimes, it IS important to market your product or idea…but tastefully. So, while on Sundays when I do often post a couple of our open houses, I try to keep things interesting during the rest of the week when posting one of Laffey’s listings. I’ll put a picture of the country-style kitchen or the pond in the backyard, an aerial shot of the property or a photo that accentuates the architectural elements of the home…anything that’ll catch a viewer’s eye. Photos are most important to include in all posts, because if someone’s attention is caught infinitesimally thanks to a great picture, then they’ll be more inclined to reading the post.

Fantasy Fridays: Bora Bora. This was one of our most famous posts on Laffey’s Facebook Fan Page. A picture really does speak volumes!

The easiest way to market your products is via another name with a bigger social media presence. Laffey Fine Homes has a property that was once the home of former NY Met, Carlos Beltran. I tweeted at AOL Real Estate–an account with over 1,000 followers–and they responded. My tweet was casual..something along the lines of “We love your listings! Check out one of our favorites,” with a link attached. Hopefully if they feature the listing on their Twitter, we’ll gain more followers with their help.

Waterfall Style Shower: another popular post for Laffey Fine Homes. A simple image speaks more than my words could to describe this cool feature.

Now, onto my assignment for Collective Media Group today. The goal is building clientele, rather than followers and in a city as grandiose as Manhattan, there’s two great ways of doing so:

1) Take advantage of Networking. At the office you can network with people in the elevator..those companies a floor above or below you–maybe even the other ones that share your floor–can make for a great client, and a conveniently close one at that.

2) Utilize the Web. Obviously both of these points apply to building clients in any part of the country or world, but NYC is great because a lot of the small, start-up businesses find it difficult to make a name for themselves in such a big city, so they look the the internet for help.

I’ll be utilizing the web today as I weave through Gilt City and GroupOn looking for the companies with the best deals. Then, I check out their website and Facebook Fan Page to see how active they are in Social Media and find contact information so my bosses can reach out to them personally. The worst thing that can happen is a rejection, but my philosophy is that being rejected is better than not being rejected or accepted. In other words, trying always surpasses inactivity–especially in this world.

Well, I better get to work. That’s it for now! Please feel free to like this post or follow me if you enjoy my blog..I follow back!




For your reference:

Laffey Fine Homes Facebook Page:

Collective Media Facebook Page: